
CRMs - Offering an improved experience for everyone!

Feb 26 2020

Our last blog looked at how CRMs may be more commonly associated with profit making businesses, but contrary to that belief, we identified how CRM software also plays a crucial role for Organisations, Associations, NFPs & Charities.

In this short blog, we identify some of the ways a CRM solution can also provide an enhanced experience for an NFP’s supporters which in turn, helps to benefit everyone.

A strong relationship between an NFP organisation and it’s supporters is vital, much like the relationship between a business and it’s customers. The foundation for any successful relationship relies on clear communication and accurate information, not to mention mutual trust.

A CRM solution provides a framework tailored to store and display contact information in a way that is most convenient. Having all this data in a centralised and secure location enables NFPs to use their CRM system to keep their members and supporters involved, informed and empowered.

Keeping in touch

Members need to be kept up to date regularly for a wide range of reasons including news, events and payment requests to name just a few.

With a variety of contacts to reach and communication platforms available, the CRM system can be used to filter specific groups and using their preferred form of contact, a campaign can then be carried out, all from within the CRM software. (Not to mention the ability to measure the campaigns results.) This will save an employee time as a CRM system can make the process easier, either as grouped emails, text messages, mail merges and so on and (staying relevant to this blog) ensures members are only receiving content that is directly relevant to them, helping to maintain retention and engagement.


Reaching out to members is one thing, but members being able to get in touch with you when they have an issue or need support is another. By using a CRM system, acknowledgments can be sent on receipt of the message, reassuring your member that you have received it. It can then be processed or dealt with first-hand by an employee and most importantly logged.

An enquiry may also require the input of multiple departments or staff members, so logging interactions empowers future correspondence with that person and also allows an organisation to review the correspondence it experiences. Ultimately this should improve the experience for the member.

Being on hand to support your members quickly and efficiently is another way of maintaining a mutually beneficial relationship whilst accountability and tracking can keep interactions and correspondence running smoothly.

Accurate Reporting

Reporting also plays a major role in communication and requires accurate, up to date information. From financial reporting for donors, stakeholders and accounting audits to campaign tracking and member retention, a CRM can be used to produce and share information in a time effective way, by improving accuracy and streamlining resources. Ultimately it should be a tool to organise data in such a way that can provide a multitude of insights to those that need to access it.

It should also allow you to implement various levels of access to ensure the relevant information is only available to those that are meant to see or receive it.

Whilst on the topic of permissions and data, by storing information within a CRM, members can feel reassured as steps are being taken to keep their personal information secure, whilst helping an organisation to remain GDPR compliant.

After all, a data breach is the last thing an organisation needs, and members need to be able to place their trust in you.


Although functions can differ between CRM providers, some common NFP functions that make members lives easier include the ability for users to access their own details, make modifications, pay subscriptions, book and pay for events and purchase products online.

In today’s fast paced culture, empowering contacts/members in this way makes everyone’s life easier, which is exactly what a good CRM solution should do.


Choosing or switching a CRM system for a member-based organisation can be tricky. At SubscriberCRM, our software is specifically tailored to member-based organisations including charities, fundraisers, NFPs, Institutes and Associations and we pride ourselves on our customer support.

Why not arrange a personal demo with us to explore the benefits SubscriberCRM can offer by visiting

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